According to OSHA, arc flash burns are one of the top three most common hazards when working with energized electrical equipment. Every day in the U.S. there are up to 10 arc flash incidents, totaling more than 3,600 disabling electrical contact injuries each year.
If you’ve transitioned into working from home recently, along with many non-essential workers, you might be in danger of developing heath issues. Ergonomics is an area often ignored, but considered essential to eliminate pain from repetitive movements and bad posture.
According to OSHA, businesses spend almost $1 billion per week on costs related to occupational injuries and illnesses. “In today's business environment,” according to OSHA, “these costs can be the difference between operating in the black and running in the red.”
Machine guarding once again made OSHA’s top ten list of most-frequently violated standards for fiscal year 2019. Coming in at number eight, OSHA’s machine guarding standard 1910.212 was cited for violations 1,743 times in 2019, compared to 1,972 citations in 2018.
According to the National Safety Council’s 2011 “Injury Facts”, the manufacturing and construction industries accounted for 37,080 injuries to fingers and 13,940 to hands.