A cough can travel as fast as 50 mph and expel almost 3,000 droplets in just one go. Sneezes are even more forceful —they can travel up to 100 mph and create upwards of 100,000 droplets.
This infographic, “How is your workplace hygiene?,” illustrates the effects of an unhygienic workplace and offers facts about germs, such as where they are most likely to reside.
Armchem Instantfoam Deluxe kills germs without drying out hands
February 19, 2013
Armchem, the leading provider of specialty products that help businesses run smoother, faster, cleaner, safer and healthier, introduces Armchem Instantfoam Deluxe Hand Sanitizer.
It's possible to outrun the flu -- sort of. In an item featured on Medline Plus, Dr. Cindy Haines of HealthDay TV says that getting lots of exercise can help people avoid the flu, or at least lessen its severity.