This insightful document explores the strategies and innovations driving one of the largest industries globally, highlighting key trends and opportunities that are set to revolutionize manufacturing as we know it.
The European Trade Union Confederation and Institute (ETUC and ETUI) held a three-day symposium in Brussels recently at which trade unionists, policy makers and academics brainstormed about initiatives that will be needed to cope with four global mega trends that are radically changing the world of work.
Human capital metrics, including occupational safety and health data, frequently are collected by a majority of global companies, yet many of these firms are not publicly reporting the information, according to a study released today by the Harvard Law School Labor and Worklife Program in conjunction with the Center for Safety and Health Sustainability (CSHS). "Corporate Disclosure of Human Capital Metrics" is authored by Aaron Bernstein and Larry Beeferman of the Harvard Law School Pensions and Capital Stewardship Project.
This Women’s History Month, we’re taking a look at women’s contributions to the U.S. labor force. Here are some noteworthy statistics we’ve rounded up!
Profound changes continue to unfold in the American workforce as Baby Boomers—Americans born between 1945 and 1964—swell the ranks of our workplaces. This has led many employers to fear the possibilities of negative impacts associated with this demographic trend.
While some employers view the aging U.S. workforce with concern, others take a more positive approach and have implemented policies and practices that support a more competitive, sustainable and safer workforce, regardless of its overall age.
Although the Total Worker Health™ (TWH) only has one candle on its birthday cake, proud parent NIOSH says it has already accomplished many things, and has a bright future ahead of it.
While some items ended up on the financial chopping block, the budget proposal for fiscal year 2013 presented to Congress yesterday by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) includes millions to enhance worker health and safety.