Ensuring safety on an industrial site is critical, whether it’s a warehouse, construction site or loading dock. Many factors play a role in guaranteeing safety, making it challenging for facilities to keep workers out of harm’s way.
As an emerging, rapidly developing industry, wind energy has some unique occupational hazards as well as some that are not so unique, like working at height.
Workers who erect and maintain wind turbines can be exposed to fall hazards. Wind turbines vary in height, but can be more than 100 feet tall. Exposure to high winds may make work at high elevations even more hazardous. OSHA has different fall protection requirements for construction (installation of towers) and general industry (maintenance).
Adapted from the book “Wind Power: Renewable Energy for Home, Farm, and Business,” by Paul Gipe, the information here advises everyone who works with wind energy, or who contemplates working with wind energy, to carefully weigh their actions.