The company hosted the association’s first laundry tour fully dedicated to visitors’ examination of workplace safety practices. Participants learned about techniques for protecting personnel at major steps in a Cintas Kansas City facility’s workflow.
Free training course from Cintas prepares employees for emergencies
April 8, 2013
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) fines for bloodborne pathogen (BBP) exposure violations at one worksite can exceed $160,000. To reduce fines and protect employees from the spread of BBPs, Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS), a leader in first-aid and safety, today identified essential steps for reducing the impact of a BBP emergency.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), an estimated 32,310 motor vehicle traffic fatalities occurred in 2011. With snowfall and the potential for icy roads now part of many forecasts, it’s even more important for drivers to be cautious and follow the rules of the road. To remind commuters to avoid hazardous driving behaviors, Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS), a leader in first-aid and safety products, has identified the seven worst driving offenders.
Americans don’t like to take sick days – and when they’re sick, they don’t take steps to prevent co-workers from getting sick, too. Those conclusions come from a new study commissioned by Cintas Corporation, which found that 84% of U.S. adults who are employed have gone to work while sick. Of those, 45 percent don’t warn co-workers about their illness, and 45 percent don’t avoid direct contact – such as shaking hands – which could transmit an illness to others.
In recognition of American Diabetes Month, Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS), the leader in first-aid and safety products and services delivery, today announced five steps employees should take during a diabetic emergency. According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly 26 million American children and adults have diabetes, and 79 million more are at a high risk of developing the disease.
New online resource provides educational tools and product information
October 15, 2012
Every year, thousands of workers are involved in electrical arc accidents, molten metal splashes, flash fires and combustible dust explosions on the job. To educate companies about these risks, as well as what they can do to comply with new industry standards, Cintas has launched a new website dedicated to its Flame Resistant Clothing line.
Stat PADS, the leading independent provider of Physician Oversight & Medical Direction nationwide, today announced it has awarded Cintas Corporation with its Heart Award, an annual award that recognizes businesses and organizations for their commitment to saving lives from Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA).
Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS) today announced that its uniform rental facility in Searcy, AR has received Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Merit certification from the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
Blood sugar control made easier with new solution for first-aid cabinets
July 10, 2012
Cintas Corporation (NASDAQ: CTAS), a leader in first-aid and safety products, today announced the availability of GlucoBurst, a blood sugar control product for its first-aid cabinets.
Cintas offers tips and free on-site consultation to prepare businesses for GHS conversion for National Safety Month
June 5, 2012
In recognition of National Safety Month, CintasCorporation (NASDAQ: CTAS), a leader in first aid and safety products, today released its top tips for businesses impacted by the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) requirements for chemical classification and labeling.