SC Johnson Professional today launched its AgroBac™ Pure FOAM, a new antibacterial foam soap formulated specifically for use in food handling and processing environments. The perfume-free and dye-free product is NSF E2 rated, Triclosan-free, killing up to 99.999 percent of many types of common germs within 30 seconds.
Maybe they’re in a rush or have something else to do but, for whatever the reason, a survey reveals that 56% of workers say they frequently or occasionally see colleagues leave the restroom without washing up. With this issue, gender seems to come into play since 63% of men frequently or occasionally observe non-washing behavior compared to 49% of women.
The first of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Patient Safety Challenges was Clean Care is Safer Care, which was launched in 2005. It targeted reducing health care-associated infections (HCAIs). HCAI is the most frequent harmful event in health-care delivery and occurs worldwide in both developed and developing countries.
This infographic, “How is your workplace hygiene?,” illustrates the effects of an unhygienic workplace and offers facts about germs, such as where they are most likely to reside.
A national hand washing survey reveals more Americans are simply rinsing their hands with water instead of soaping up after using a public restroom. 70 percent admit they’ve skipped the important cleansing step. Two years ago when the question was asked only 54 percent confessed to just rinsing with water.
American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE) Executive Director Fred Fortman and Industrial Safety & Hygiene News magazine Publisher Randy Green yesterday announced the continuation of ISHN as Safety 2014 and 2015 Exposition sponsor. ISHN has been the exclusive Exposition sponsor for 11 consecutive years, since 2002.
Touch-free and manual dispensers can use the same refill
March 5, 2013
Having complemented its manually operated STOKO® Refresh 4 in 1 hand hygiene dispenser with an automatic touch-free model, STOKO® continues to bring innovation to the away-from-home skin care/hand hygiene market by offering an industry first: a choice of touch-free or manual dispensers that can share the same cartridge refills.
The American Council of Government Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) is pleased to announce new members for its 2013 Board of Directors and its 2013 Nominating Committee. In accordance with a recent amendment to the ACGIH Bylaws, ACGIH’s membership elected three (3) members to serve effective immediately as Directors on the Board of Directors.