Samsara Intelligence combines cutting-edge AI technologies with real-world use cases to address the complex challenges faced by operations teams worldwide.
In this podcast, we discuss how the industrial hygiene professional has evolved over the years as well as AIHA’s rebranding, and even AI as it relates to safety.
Collaboration aims to enhance refining operations and workforce with advanced AI-Assisted
technologies, including a new generation of alarm management solutions.
In pilot tests, most employees who volunteered to be analyzed wanted to continue the daily testing. They want to know, like wearing an Apple watch, their various health metrics, including how much sleep they get.
Imagine a world where industrial accidents are almost non-existent, where robots, drones and AI-powered technologies work together to create the safest possible work environments.
In an exclusive interview with ISHN, ASSP Chief Executive Officer Jennifer McNelly made these points about the role that AI will play in the safety profession.