In a world that is rapidly changing as a result of climate change, many industries are looking towards alternatives that can help to make them more sustainable.
You may have seen water bottles labeled “BPA Free” or heard that certain foods contain BPA. BPA (or bisphenol A) has been in the news over the past several years. BPA is weakly estrogenic; that is, BPA may mimic some of the hormone-like effects of estrogen. BPA is used primarily in making polycarbonate plastic and some epoxy resins. The general population is exposed to BPA mainly through diet.
In an op-ed article featured in the French daily newspaper Le Monde on November 30, some 100 scientists condemn the strategies employed by the chemicals industry in order to influence European Union (EU) legislation on endocrine disruptors.
It is especially important in high-risk industries, such as oil and gas and chemical, that workforce training and education is prioritized beyond that of an afterthought in a company's safety plan.
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) will convene a public meeting on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, in Houston, Texas, at The Hilton Americas – Houston Hotel from 6 to 9 p.m. CDT to hear and vote on investigators’ findings and safety recommendations from the November 2014 chemical release at the DuPont La Porte facility that killed four workers.
The Department of Homeland Security can’t verify threat level reports from thousands of chemical plants across the country, reducing Homeland’s ability to respond to a chemical attack or emergency, according to a new government report.