Studies show employees will not wear eye protection unless it is comfortable, fits properly, or functions well. Lens color can impact employee protection and performance levels and provide a better choice.
A cough can travel as fast as 50 mph and expel almost 3,000 droplets in just one go. Sneezes are even more forceful —they can travel up to 100 mph and create upwards of 100,000 droplets.
According to OSHA, arc flash burns are one of the top three most common hazards when working with energized electrical equipment. Every day in the U.S. there are up to 10 arc flash incidents, totaling more than 3,600 disabling electrical contact injuries each year.
If your facility has confined spaces on site, it is critically important that you evaluate those spaces to determine if you need to have a permit-required confined space program.
Machine guarding once again made OSHA’s top ten list of most-frequently violated standards for fiscal year 2019. Coming in at number eight, OSHA’s machine guarding standard 1910.212 was cited for violations 1,743 times in 2019, compared to 1,972 citations in 2018.
Professional welding can be one of the lucrative and rewarding fields but the welders persistently at risk on the job. Welders are exposed to high temperatures and electrical current for several hours of every day. Therefore, proper safety is a must and finding the best safety equipment is the key.
Uniforms are the unsung heroes of the workplace. They give team members a sense of pride and unity. They contribute to a polished, professional appearance for the organization as a whole. And they can even help protect employees against potentially life-threatening hazards.
Workers' Memorial Day, International Workers 'Memorial Day or International Commemoration Day (ICD) for Dead and Injured or Day of Mourning takes place annually around the world on April 28, an international day of remembrance and action for workers killed, disabled, injured or made unwell by their work.
Readers may be familiar with connected products (gas detectors servicing alerts) that have been around for many years. This article identifies common connected technology terms, concepts and uses that will be new to a workplace safety environment.