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Gastec International Corp.
Company Profile
Gastec International Corp.
9550 Waples St., Ste. 120
San Diego,
United States
Phone: (619) 596-4110
Fax: (619) 596-4111
Tom Church, Sales Mgr.
(619) 596-4110
Gastec is the premium manufacturer of the Gas Detector Tube System for detecting and measuring various gases and vapors for up to 350 types. It is an economical, easy-to-use, and relatively precise means of on-the-spot sampling.
Additional Information
Year company was founded: 1970
Top selling branded products/services: Gas Detector Tube System
List any product updates and/or new products for the coming year: Hydrogen Sulfide Data Logger GHS-8AT-EX
What makes your company unique in this marketplace? Premium manufacturer of the Gas Detector Tube System