Find personal protective equipment, safety training, facility safety equipment and gas detection manufacturers and suppliers for environmental safety and health performance, safety cultures, OSHA compliance, construction safety, oil and gas safety, and general industry safety.
Industrial hygiene sampling media for personal exposure monitoring of chemicals in the workplace: Ethylene oxide, OV, Aldehyde, Nitrous oxide, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, others; industrial hygiene laboratory services. Service Life testing for respiratory cartridges and canisters.
Additional Information
Year company was founded: 1981
Top selling branded products/services: X571 Formaldehyde Air Samplers with analysis
List any product updates and/or new products for the coming year: X525-25 Indoor Air Quality monitor with analysis, X596 Phenol monitor with analysis.
What makes your company unique in this marketplace? More than 200 chemicals are available to sample with our personal air monitors