When all attendees understand their roles and responsibility before, during and after the meeting, a positive synergy is created. The group process technique focuses on the goals of the safety committee and creates a shared vision to achieve success effectively and efficiently by its members.
- Arrive at meetings on time. If you are late, enter quietly
- Arrange to stay until the end of the meeting
- Attend not only in body, but in mind and spirit
- Come prepared to discuss important issues
- Suggest agenda items
- Demonstrate peer pressure on members to control excessive talking and other inappropriate behavior
- Share ideas in an open, non-aggressive manner
- Discuss complaints in the meeting and not sabotage efforts outside
- Do not allow the authority positions of other attendees to intimidate you into silence during the meeting
- Support group decisions once an action has been decided upon
- Refrain from complaining about other attendees or the group when outside the meeting.
- Complete any tasks that were assigned or volunteered to complete on time
Until next time...
Be safe and spread the word.
Dr. Isabel Perry