Something went wrong…people got hurt. This sounds like the midnight call that all safety managers hate to get. A call that indicates an injury occurred and a whole litany of steps need to be taken: Comfort the victim and family, shut down the area, and deal with the paperwork.
On a recent trip to Rome for a conference my sightseeing partner noted: “These people know how to build things that last.” My colleague Mark Alavosius and I were there for an exciting reason, but one that has me perplexed. This will take some explaining.
What would you prefer: The carrot or the stick? Punishment works and is frequently used in less mature safety programs as a reaction to some incident that hurt someone.
Mowing the lawn can be a real chore. It is certainly not something I look forward to. It's also a chore that can be quite hazardous. According to…SAFETY DATA.