That “CAUTION IONIZING RADIATION” yellow and black warning sign is intimidating enough to frighten anyone – as though any thought of radiation exposure is enough to us running for SCBAs, chemical suits, and bunkers.
That “CAUTION IONIZING RADIATION” yellow and black warning sign is intimidating enough to frighten anyone – as though any thought of radiation exposure is enough to us running for SCBAs, chemical suits, and bunkers.
Four days before Hurricane Sandy struck in October, 2013, Consolidated Edison Co. sought 1,800 power line repair workers from its fellow utilities to help respond to the massive storm brewing in the Atlantic Ocean, according to the Claims Journal.
As if you haven’t noticed, this is the year of The Angry Voter. Google the phrase “angry voters” and you get about 35,800,000 results. “To be a citizen means to specialize in the venting of spleen,” The New York Times recently reported.
You couldn’t ask a more polarizing question. OSHA chiefs admired by business for their restraint have left labor disappointed if not outraged. OSHA bosses who have enjoyed labor’s support have been the scourge of business.
There’s hazcom training. Hearing conservation training. Any number of OSHA compliance training requirements. None have higher stakes than confined space training.