Every year thousands of eye injuries occur in
the workplace. Throughout the past few years,
stringent regulation and an ever-growing concern
for the health and well-being of employees has
brought advancements in processes, safety procedures,
and first aid protocols to treat the injured.
The following information is aimed at developing a logical thought process that comprehends many of the circumstances and alternatives of your specific eyewash and/or eye/face wash applications.
Not all drench shower and eyewash products are created equally. Some are differentiated, with features that may make the most sense for your application.
Here’s one possible alternative to help larger facilities comply with ANSI requirements for the temperature of flushing fluid for emergency showers and eyewashes.
In today’s litigious society, you’ve got to stay on top of your game to avoid becoming entangled in proceedings aimed at assigning responsibility for physical harm associated with workplace injuries.
Emergency response assets, including drench showers and eyewashes, must not only be made available, but these facilities require cooling of the water that flows through them to avoid inflicting potentially worse injuries on users.