Terrain awareness technology that the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has been pushing for since 2006 may have helped prevent the helicopter crash that killed nine people on Sunday – including NBA legend Kobe Bryant – but the FAA refused to make it mandatory.
Collaborative development with Cority clients enables EHS leaders to leverage data-driven insights to reduce the costs of workplace injuries and improve safety outcomes
January 28, 2020
Cority, the most trusted environmental, health, safety, and quality (EHSQ) software for assuring client success, today announced the general availability of Cority Analytics, the company’s cloud-based predictive analytics solution. Designed to empower EHS leaders to delve deeper into their data and act on insights, Cority Analytics enables organizations to proactively identify and mitigate workplace risk to ultimately drive down the human and financial costs of workplace accidents.
Work to Zero initiative helps employers understand, embrace life-saving safety innovations
January 14, 2020
The National Safety Council has received a second $500,000 grant from the McElhattan Foundation for the NSC Work to Zero initiative, launched last January to educate employers about technological safety advancements that promise to reduce and ultimately eliminate preventable deaths in the workplace. Since receiving the first grant last December, NSC has conducted research into emerging and existing technologies and will release a comprehensive report in February that details which technologies could reduce fatality risk in the most hazardous situations for workers.
On a Tuesday afternoon, you send a maintenance contractor out to a remote station to perform a routine check on some of your equipment. Your contractor drives out to the nearest access road, parks his truck, and walks over to the site. When he gets there, his personal gas monitor alerts him to high levels of dangerous gases...
Changes to the workplace represent both risks and opportunities for ergonomics. The risk of change is that without considering ergonomics, new challenges can be introduced. For example, a company became aware that product finish problems (scratches) were sometimes occurring but the source was unknown, so a Six Sigma green belt project was initiated.
Independent research firm Verdantix announced the 11 winners of the annual EHS Innovation Awards at the Verdantix Summit in Atlanta. The international awards recognize organizations which have implemented innovative EHS technologies.
When employees are performing construction work six feet or more above a lower level, you need to provide them with some type of fall protection. There is an exception for working on scaffolding — the threshold height for fall protection is ten feet. OSHA regulates falls at 1926 Subpart M.
State and local governments and metro planning organizations are among the entities who can apply for up to half a million dollars each to use in developing, refining, and deploying safety tools that address specific roadway safety problems.
The funds – which will be disbursed by the U.S. Department of Transportation – are intended to help the awardees use innovative data tools and information to improve roadway safety.