High levels of VOCs in indoor spaces can reduce cognitive function and are a health risk. For a healthier and safer building, getting VOCs as low as possible is now a priority.
Cybersecurity is one of the most crucial workplace safety considerations today. As businesses implement more digital technologies, cyberattacks become more likely and potentially damaging. This trend is particularly concerning for critical infrastructure.
The shift of environmental, social, and governance from optional PR reporting to a mandatory requirement has many companies reevaluating how they use data.
Today’s global supply chain operations face multiple, unprecedented challenges and constraints. Mobile devices are critical tools helping to keep today’s supply chain operations running at an optimal level. Consider these mobile device management best practices when reviewing your mobile strategy.
Businesses can achieve maximum success during the holiday season by utilizing AI and automation in their retail shipping operations. The holiday season is critical for companies, but the increased sales often come with shipping headaches. Luckily, artificial intelligence (AI) and automation provide key solutions for simplifying shipping for businesses and customers.
Over the last two years, interest in Permit to Work (PTW) software has skyrocketed. Clearly, having the means to request, approve and issue a permit digitally makes processes more efficient and transparent to better communicate safety protocols.
Manufacturing employees often work near significant hazards, like heavy equipment, potentially dangerous chemicals and electricity. Safety has come a long way over the past few decades, but businesses can always do more to protect their workers.
Industry 4.0 revolutionized the way manufacturers design, create, and distribute their products. Its focus was on efficiency and productivity using the industrial internet of things (IIOT), machine-to-machine (M2M) communication, and automation. However, in early 2021 the European Commission released a report introducing Industry 5.0, focusing on the wellbeing of the worker within the production process.
With increasingly distributed workforces tackling more complex challenges, EHS leaders realize it’s no longer feasible to rely on paper systems or static desktop applications to manage risks and compliance.