Aqueous Film-Forming Foam has saved numerous lives with its effectiveness, but recent studies have revealed just how dangerous it is, chiefly due to the presence of PFAS.
The Challenge is a three-phase, $350,000 competition aimed at improving respirator fit evaluation. It seeks practical solutions that deliver real-time information on filtering facepiece respirator fit.
In recognition of International Women’s Day, Carhartt is donating proceeds from women’s apparel sales up to $250,000 on, and at any one of its 43 retail locations.
The largest percentage of job roles held by women in the construction industry are those in management roles, overtaking sales occupations. To celebrate this and Women in Construction Week™ from March 3-8, 2024, let’s explore the latest developments in the industry for women.
The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety reminds workers that repetitive strain injuries are serious workplace hazards and encourages them to take action to prevent these injuries.