As of 2015, 80% of active surface mining operations were extracting stone, sand, and gravel. A majority of job-related tasks in surface mining require workers to maintain awkward postures, perform repetitive movements, and operate vibrating machinery.
The two crewmembers on the lead locomotive of the striking train jumped before impact. The engineer died, and the conductor was seriously injured. Nine locomotives derailed from the striking train.
…and if you’re not sure where it comes from, don’t eat it
April 30, 2018
Nearly a hundred people in 22 states have now been made sick from eating E. coli-contaminated romaine lettuce in the worst such outbreak since 2006, says the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). More than half of the 98 people affected have had symptoms so severe they required hospitalization.
A flight crew’s decision to continue using visual flight rules when visibility was deteriorating due to weather conditions was a major factor in the October 2016 crash of an airplane near Togiak, Alaska that killed both pilots and the passenger.
Workers' Memorial Day is observed every year on April 28. It is a day to honor those workers who have died on the job, to acknowledge the grievous suffering experienced by families and communities, and to recommit ourselves to the fight for safe and healthful workplaces for all workers.
Warning comes in advance of Workers’ Memorial Day, which honors those who have died on the job
April 27, 2018
In recognition of Workers’ Memorial Day on April 28, the National Safety Council is drawing attention to six areas of safety concern for U.S. employees.
“Workers’ Memorial Day is a time to remember those who lost their lives on the job, to reflect on lessons learned and to bolster our commitment to worker safety,” said Mark P. Vergnano, chairman of the National Safety Council Board and president and CEO of The Chemours Company.
The U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) has dispatched a four-person investigative team from to the scene of yesterday’s explosions and fire at a Husky Energy oil refinery in Superior, Wisconsin. Eleven people were initially reported injured in the blast, which occurred as workers were shutting the refinery down in preparation for a five-week turnaround.
A construction accident at Indiana University (IU) Wednesday afternoon claimed the life of a contract worker. Sources say William Brown Jr. was killed when a large piece of limestone fell on him.
A woman whose safety career began as an occupational health nurse and who ultimately transitioned to being a corporate executive on the leading edge of safety initiatives has received the honor of Fellow from the American Society of Safety Engineers (ASSE).
After industry objections to several provisions of the Examinations of Working Places in Metal and Nonmetal Mines final rule issued by the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA), the agency has published a final rule that includes changes to the provisions.