NIOSH has led a research program focused on small business safety and health for more than two decades because we know workers in small businesses are injured and killed on the job at a higher rate than workers in larger businesses. Over the years, we have expanded our research focus from identifying small businesses in high-risk sectors to understanding how community networks affect worker safety and health.
CPR is going high tech. Starting in January 2018, the American Red Cross will incorporate feedback devices with its Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) in an effort to enhance training.
"Use of CPR feedback devices will improve course participants' chest compression rate, the depth of their compressions and their hand position." said Richard N. Bradley, MD, FACEP, member of the American Red Cross Scientific Advisory Council and chair of its Resuscitation Sub-Council.
Workplace violence is a huge problem for workers. In 2015, 417 worker deaths were workplace homicides and violence was responsible for 26,540 lost-time injuries, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Women, African America, Asian and Hispanic workers bear a disproportionate share of workplace violence fatalities.
OSHA has designated June 12-18, 2017, as “Safe + Sound Week,” a new nationwide effort that calls on organizations of all sizes in a wide range of industries to raise awareness of the value and importance of workplace safety and health programs.
The risk of dying in a crash in a late-model vehicle has gone up slightly, as a stronger economy has led drivers to take to the road more often and in more dangerous ways, according to a report from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety’s Highway Loss Data Institute.
Add veggies. Subtract sodium in soups. Use a squirt of lemon. These were among the winners in , the American Heart Association’s (AHA) first-ever #BreakUpWithSalt “hack” contest – an effort to generate tips, tricks or hacks for reducing sodium in processed and restaurant foods.
OSHA and one of the nation’s largest public hospitals have resolved litigation by reaching an agreement that requires the center to enhance its efforts to prevent violence in the workplace.
In 2014, OSHA notified the Bergen Regional Medical Center L.P., in Paramus that employees were exposed to hazardous conditions associated with workplace violence and that it had not developed or implemented adequate measures to protect workers from assaults.
The National Transportation Safety Board’s (NTSB) investigation into a landing mishap last fall of a plane carrying then vice presidential candidate Mike Pence has so far generated more than 400 pages of information.
Quick action by co-workers saved the life of a South Dakota construction worker who was almost completely buried in a trench collapse last week.
News reports say the man was working in a sewer trench Tuesday in Emery when the incident occurred, covering all but one of his hands in dirt.
OSHA has issued a dozen citations and proposed $226,431 in fines following its investigation into the Nov. 29, 2016, death of a machine operator at a Pensacola-area electrical cable manufacturer.