A major session at the NSC was introduced by OSHA chief Doug Parker, moderated by NIOSH director Dr John Howard, and had six panelists. The subject? Diversity, equity and inclusion, better known these days as DEI.
OSHA unveils Top Ten Safety Violations for FY 2022 at NSC Congress
September 21, 2022
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration announced Tuesday its preliminary Top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety standards for fiscal year 2022.
The new criteria include violations of all hazards and OSHA standards and will continue to focus on repeat offenders in all industries. Previously, an employer could be in the program for failing to meet a limited number of standards.
Five teams awarded a total of $55,000 for solutions to ensure protective clothing fits all workers
September 20, 2022
The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), in collaboration with NASA Tournament Lab and HeroX, announced the winners of "The NIOSH Protective Clothing Challenge—Leaving No Body Unprotected.” The Challenge seeks solutions that consider the broad spectrum of U.S. workers in relation to factors that may influence fit such as body size and shape, gender, race, ethnicity, religious or cultural practices, or specific work tasks.
ISHN will be there with live updates from the show
September 15, 2022
NSC's National Safety Congress and Expo is next week, September 19-21, 2022, in San Diego, and there is a full schedule of events to offer inspiration, learn from experts, network and connect with colleagues from every aspect of the safety industry. ISHN staff will be there and we have a booth, so please say hello!
Blackline Safety Corp. announced it will unveil the G6 single-gas detector – setting a new standard in connected worker wearables – at the upcoming National Safety Council (NSC) Safety Congress & Expo, to be held September 19-21 at the San Diego Convention Center.
Workers can submit their own stories to be highlighted by footwear company
September 14, 2022
Red Wing Shoe Company's "For Work That Moves The World" initiative shares the stories of safety professionals and their contribution to the operations and advancement of our nation.
TheGreat Lakes Center for Farmworker Health and Wellbeing, based at the University of Illinois Chicago, is the newest NIOSH Ag Center. It was created to amplify research efforts in farmworker health and wellbeing, as well as foster tighter networks of researchers, policy makers, advocacy groups, and healthcare organizations.
Coinciding with Construction Suicide Prevention Week, a task force is calling on construction industry employers, trade groups and other stakeholders to join OSHA’s Suicide Prevention Safety Stand-Down, Sept. 5-9, 2022.