We all know that the requirements for OSHA workplace noise measurements involve establishing the individual noise exposure for our workers to be sure that we are protecting them from excessively high noise levels.
An estimated 275 million people across the globe can’t hear clearly all the sounds they love. These people suffer from hearing loss, which the World Health Organization lists as the number one sensory disability in the world.
It is especially important in high-risk industries, such as oil and gas and chemical, that workforce training and education is prioritized beyond that of an afterthought in a company's safety plan.
Members of the new generation workforce have a work hard, play hard mentality. They actively pursue their interests and take pride in their accomplishments.
Falls, broken bones, and death. These were the hazards faced by Force Corp. employees as they performed a roofing job on July 7, 2015, at 2-4 Johnson St. in North Andover. An OSHA inspector driving by the work site saw three employees on a roof exposed to falls of up to 18 feet without fall protection.
The U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has imposed a $40 million civil penalty and a series of performance requirements to automaker BMW North America for a series of violations of the Motor Vehicle Safety Act and NHTSA regulations.