Workers’ comp adjusts to the opioid crisis, OSHA changes its construction cranes rule and a utility worker is killed by a gas explosion. These were among the top stories featured on this week.
Trying to decide if you need an on-site rescue team for your confined space work? What does the law say? OSHA regulation 29 CFR 1910.146 outlines several requirements of a rescue team that include: proficiency with skills, equipment, CPR/first-aid certification, etc.
Training companies include cloud-based training, eLearning, streaming video, classroom lectures, blended learning, behavioral observation training, executive coaching, comprehensive training processes for teams and workforce populations, retreats, conferences, webinars, handbooks, DVD libraries, and full-length books.
Learn how to protect you and your loved ones during a thunderstorm
July 5, 2017
The weather forecast calls for a slight chance of thunderstorms, but you can only see a few fluffy white clouds overhead. So you and your tennis partner grab your racquets and balls and head for the tennis court.
Two hundred and forty-one years ago, on July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, declaring that the thirteen American colonies were no longer part of the British Empire but were, instead, a new nation, the United States of America.
In 2014, work-related falls to a lower level in the wholesale and retail trade (WRT) sector accounted for over 12,500 reported injuries. These injured employees were out of work for an average of 7 to 11 days [BLS 2015, BLS 2016]. This blog provides information about preventing ladder-related injuries in the wholesale and retail trade sector.
Since the Trump administration took over on January 20, very little news has come out of OSHA. Their charge from the administration is to keep the ship steady, no new initiatives or anything like that, according to the source, with close ties to the agency.
You’ve seen plenty of occupational injury stats, here is one that’s startling: In 2012, workers suffered 186,830 nonfatal injuries to the hands and wrists serious enough to warrant days away from work, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Unlike conventional machinery, robots lack the intelligence of a human operator. In the event of a programming error or hardware malfunction robots have the potential to unexpectedly move large distances at a high rate of speed, posing a serious danger to operators or maintenance personnel.