The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), the world’s oldest professional safety organization, is bestowing the honor of Fellow on four longtime members who have made significant contributions to the occupational safety and health profession.
Kevin Slates, a highly regarded scholar, educator and researcher in the occupational safety and health field and member of the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP) for 14 years, is ASSP’s 2019 William E. Tarrants Outstanding Safety Educator.
J.J. Keller & Associates, Inc., the nation’s leading provider of safety and regulatory compliance solutions, announced that nominations are now open for the J.J. Keller Safety Professional of the Year (SPOTY) award. The annual SPOTY award recognizes workplace safety professionals who achieve excellence in safety for their organizations and who build a culture and vision for safety.
BCSP is pleased to partner with and join the more than 3,000 companies, partners, and trainers already involved in supporting the International Social Security Association's (ISSA) Vision Zero campaign.
Rama Krushna Chary, senior environment engineer for the drilling and technology directorate at Kuwait Oil Company and 10-year member of the American Society of Safety Professionals, is ASSP’s 2019 Edgar Monsanto Queeny Safety Professional of the Year. He has taken innovative steps to advance the safety and health profession while enhancing ASSP’s membership abroad.
A good starting point for all employers when attempting to minimize the risk of workplace violence is to conduct a hazard assessment, and then provide employees with the protective measures needed to eliminate or reduce exposure to potential hazards.
A Texas manufacturing company faces more than a quarter of a million dollars in penalties, after OSHA inspectors determined it exposed its employees to falls and other hazards.
Molding Acquisition Corp. - operating as Rotoplas – was cited for a dozen violations by OSHA – ten serious and two willful – for failing to protect employees from serious safety hazards at its location in Fort Worth.
The Monty Python fans among you will instantly picture the scene from “The Life of Brian” movie. The massed crowd outside their new-found saviour’s ramshackle bedroom window arguing over their individuality with their new “Messiah” Brian and his mother.
But it would take a ‘serious’ movie geek to remember the next few lines when in unison the crowd chant “Yes we are all different” only to be answered by a lone wavering dissenting voice shouting “I’m not.”
The American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP), the world’s oldest professional safety organization, has announced its new leaders from the 2019 Society elections. All terms begin July 1. Diana Stegall, CSP, CFPS, ARM, SMS, CPCU, will serve as ASSP president for 2019-20.
“Elections are the heart of a professional society, and it’s great to see our members staying involved,” said ASSP President Rixio Medina, CSP, CPP, whose term expires June 30.
We have all read the articles or posts on the questions regarding confined spaces such as “What is a confined space?” or “What makes your confined space permit required?” You might have even been asked “How do you re-classify a permit-required confined space?” or one of my favorites, “When do I need a rescue team at my confined space?” Let’s break it all down.