According to a recent study by Dutch researchers, regular exercise might be even more important than ergonomic devices in treating work-related upper body complaints and repetitive stress injuries.
OSHA’s new Mobile Workforce VPP Demonstration for Construction, unveiled July 21, is a nationwide Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) initiative aimed at meeting the unique needs and characteristics of the construction industry.
A Brooklyn, N.Y., book wholesaler must offer reinstatement and pay more than $18,000 to an employee who was fired for filing a safety complaint with OSHA.
In a scene that is all too familiar to — and dreaded by — safety professionals, two workers who tried to rescue a colleague at a Montreal-area cosmetics factory died themselves from breathing large quantities of argon gas, The Canadian Press reports.
OSHA has fined a Brooklyn, N.Y., foundry $144,750 for a litany of safety and health violations, including unguarded machinery, inadequate hearing protection, lead overexposures and a steam explosion hazard.
Giant retailer Sears will adopt a safety and health program to ensure that all powered industrial trucks are operated in a safe manner, as part of a settlement agreement announced recently by OSHA.
A West Virginia company faces $117,500 in fines for failing to protect its workers from safety and health hazards from a job site in Cheshire, Ohio, according to OSHA.
The White House June 20 announced President Bush's intention to nominate William B. Wark and William E. Wright to serve five-year terms as board members of the U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB).