In the 1960s cartoon The Flintstones, Stone Age man Fred Flintstone worked in a quarry while sitting in the open booth of a rock-crusher machine. Presumably, the animators based Fred’s booth on the open designs typical of the 1960s. If they had created it in the 2000s, however, Fred’s booth would have looked vastly different, notwithstanding the fact that his booth was atop a brontosaurus.
An innovative industrial vacuum system, hazcom compliance help and a comfortable fall prevention harness were among the top occupational safety and health products featured this week on
Heat illness prevention success, new greenhouse gas standards for trucks, a hearing protection contest and a new CEO for AIHA were among the top stories featured on this week.
Two employees of a company that sells and installs fire extinguishers were injured severely on Feb. 12, 2016, when a compressed gas cylinder designed for a fire-suppression system exploded while they were attempting to fill it with compressed air from a high-pressure source.
New research from North Carolina State University connects several pesticides commonly used by farmers with both allergic and non-allergic wheeze, which can be a sensitive marker for early airway problems.
In the agricultural industry, excessive dust is a fuel that can cause serious and sometimes deadly explosions and fires - as was the case at a Georgia chicken feed mill where an explosion killed a 25-year-old man and injured five others in February 2016, federal workplace safety inspectors have found.
All former and current coal miners in western Virginia are encouraged to take advantage of the free and confidential health screenings the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) will be offering starting tomorrow.
The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has launched an investigation into the Aug. 10 explosion and fire at the Flower Branch Apartments in Silver Spring, Maryland.