An Indiana state lawmaker is drafting a bill he calls "the corporate manslaughter act" which, if passed, would send employers to jail if they ignore on-the-job safety violations that lead to a serious injury or death, the Associate Press reports.
A number of hazards exist year-round, however winter in northern locations brings a higher risk of weather-related emergencies, including winter ice storms, power outages and a higher likelihood of lowland floods.
A Israeli worker whose medical condition worsened due to "passive smoking" — namely exposure to the smoke of other peoples' cigarettes — shall be classed as a victim of a work accident, the Tel Aviv Labor Tribunal ruled earlier this month.
OSHA recently announced the availability of two new resources on the agency's Web site: a Web-based assistance tool for workers and employers in the tree-care industry, and a new advanced search engine that allows users to search topics in a variety of targeted areas.
A health and safety audit at the University of Miami found "...widespread lack of information, training, control measures and protective equipment have put both workers and building occupants at high risk for serious injury and/or illness," according to PRNewswire.