Lung disease has been found in dozens of food processing workers across the nation who have had prolonged exposure to diacetyl, a chemical widely used in the artificial flavoring in microwave popcorn, the union says.
The alliance provides AAOHN members and others with information and guidance about workplace hazard preparedness and security issues, such as workplace violence, musculoskeletal disorders, bloodborne pathogens and personal protective equipment.
The new Directorate of Training and Education will provide leadership, direction and management of the OSHA Training Institute (OTI) and other compliance assistance and training programs.
Nearly 300 OSHA inspectors will be dispersed to refineries across the country over the next two years, as part of an intensified enforcement program prompted by the BP Texas City blast and other deadly refinery accidents.
According to data released Thursday as part of National Safety Month, the National Safety Council says that over a ten-year period, accidental deaths are up more than 20 percent, reaching 113,000 deaths in 2005.
Edwin Foulke Jr., OSHA’s assistant secretary of labor, and John Howard, M.D., director of NIOSH, were on stage Wednesday — alongside ISHN editor Dave Johnson — at the opening session of the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce).
Linda Rae Murray, MD, MPH, sparked the passions of those attending the Tuesday general session at the American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (AIHce) presentation covering the challenges facing industrial hygienists and occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) professionals.
Both the MiniRAE 3000 and ppbRAE 3000 will have applications in industrial settings, environmental monitoring, indoor air quality and hazmat response applications, the company says.