Study: Nearly 98,000 people died of preventable injuries last year October 26, 2001 NSC report says unintentional injuries are the fifth leading cause of death in the United StatesRead More
OSHA & ergonomics: What now? October 26, 2001 Sources tell ISHN 'don't expect ergo rules anytime soon'Read More
Security guards in hot demand October 19, 2001 American businesses, along with government, expected to add thousands of guards since September 11 eventsRead More
OSHA delays three provisions of recordkeeping rule October 19, 2001 Delay will be for one year; all other provisions of the rule take effect January 1, 2002Read More
Multinationals concerned about expatriate employees October 19, 2001 Corporations are taking steps to protect U.S.-born employees working overseasRead More
OSHA's budget to increase, sources say October 19, 2001 Congress has upped OSHA's spending in 2002 by $9 millionRead More
What's the future for industrial hygiene? October 11, 2001 AIHA experiences slight membership decline in 2000Read More
AIHA to give ACGIH $100,000 for TLV improvements October 11, 2001 Donation is intended to help ACGIH with legal defenseRead More
Enzi emphasizes factors for addressing ergonomic hazards October 11, 2001 There's no generic solution; more research is neededRead More
Attendance drops at largest U.S. safety show October 11, 2001 NSC's 89th Congress & Expo came on heels of terrorist attacksRead More