Some companies may be reluctant to invite OSHA into a plant voluntarily but Mike DeSoto, chief operating officer of MI Windows and Doors, said the end result is "very worth it."
DeSoto spoke at the recent American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) 2018 Fall Conference about the need to implement a culture of workplace safety.
Julie Copeland, a Temple University Fox Business School alumnus and the CEO of Arbill, an award winning, privately-held, safety company headquartered in Philadelphia, PA, was inducted into Temple University’s League for Entrepreneurial Women (“The League”) Hall of Fame on October 16, 2018.
Healthcare workers should recognize the value of the occupational health professionals (OHPs) who are responsible for their health and safety. That message is coming from the Association of Occupational Health Professionals in Healthcare (AOHP) in the form of a Position Statement on The Critical Role of Occupational Health in Healthcare, which seeks to shed light on the vital role OHPs play in the industry.
Corrie discusses Safety I, Safety II, and Safety III. Safety I is the current practice—injury prevention. It is slowly evolving into Safety II, which emphasizes human performance and systems controls. Safety III holds out the promise of reinventing the profession.
What I call a “True North Safety Culture” is the point at which an organization aligns to a value and goal of eliminating risk(s)/injuries within an organization, and also aligns mission/vision statements to this goal.
Behavior-based coaching is essential for any mission to keep people safe. It’s human nature to get distracted or complacent on the job, and to deviate from performing the prescribed safe operating procedure (SOP).
Process safety management (PSM) is a term that is most frequently used in highly hazardous industries like oil refining, gas processing and chemical manufacturing. However, PSM could apply to any industry where people are working in and around any hazardous equipment or environment.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association publishes Earl Dotter's powerfully visual occupational, environment and public health documentary
October 5, 2018
On September 13 at AFL-CIO headquarters in Washington, DC American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) announced the release of a collectible photo book of renowned labor and occupational health photographer Earl Dotter, "Life's Work: A 50 Year Photographic Chronicle of Working in the U.S.A."
Communication and mentoring are two of the talents that got Tim Manherz, senior vice president of operations at Houston-based TAS Commercial Concrete, a safety award from his industry. The American Society of Concrete Contractors (ASCC) named Manherz this year’s recipient of the ASCC Member Owner Safety Award – an honor that recognizes an owner/executive in the industry who displays a focus and passion for safety, and provides the leadership that creates a best-in-class safety culture.
The term “Safety culture” has become like the term “engagement” in popular management writings. There is no common agreement on the term. We are left with (mis)interpretations of terms like “safety culture,” which lead to haphazard attempts at changing organizations toward improvement.