It doesn’t have to be this tragic — both indoors and outdoors when temperatures reach dangerous, extreme levels. Preventive measures are found all over the internet. But heat prevention practices, in reality, are not always easily practiced, if attempted at all.
Discussing short safety topics can be a great way to keep people aware of the potential risks in their line of work. These refreshers will elevate safety from a background issue to a top priority for all involved.
This column, depicting the case of a fictitious construction worker, is based on information presented at a session titled “Mental Health and Suicide Prevention” at ASSP's annual event in early June.
Too much time in the sun can potentially lead to heat-related illnesses, sunburn, or skin cancer. Use this guide to learn how to select the right type of sunscreen and sun protection PPE for the job.
The wildfire smoke spreading across the United States and Canada shows the need for urgent action to protect workers from the ongoing effects of climate change.