Studies show that only 67% of people practice any sort of hand hygiene. Researchers believe that this number is low because while most people have a vague idea that hand washing is important, many don’t have a grasp on the facts.
The first of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Global Patient Safety Challenges was Clean Care is Safer Care, which was launched in 2005. It targeted reducing health care-associated infections (HCAIs). HCAI is the most frequent harmful event in health-care delivery and occurs worldwide in both developed and developing countries.
The work that manual therapists do is physically demanding. Practitioners often use repetitive movements, hand force, static loading and awkward postures in their work, all recognized risk factors for developing musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
Five thousand twenty seven occupational hand injuries treated at a hand and microsurgery hospital between 1992 and 2005 were included in the study reported in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine.
One in 10 (10.2 percent) pregnant women in the United States ages 18 to 44 years reports drinking alcohol in the past 30 days. In addition, 3.1 percent of pregnant women report binge drinking – defined as 4 or more alcoholic beverages on one occasion.
Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) indicate that about 20,000 amputations occur each year. Between 1,600 and 2,000 (10%) of these amputations have occurred among mechanical power press operators.
Hand therapy is a type of rehabilitation performed by an occupational or physical therapist with patients who suffer from conditions affecting the hands and upper extremities. Therapy enables patients to hasten their return to a productive lifestyle.
When a person experiences a tendon injury in the hand that affects the ability to flex or extend the hand properly and in a safe way, he or she likely will have a difficult time completing everyday tasks, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, using the bathroom, and attending to chores at home and at work.
The European Trade Union Institute (ETUI) is praising a recent ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) concerning chemical substances categorised as being ‘of very high concern’ on account of their carcinogenic, mutagenic or toxic properties.
Tracking your health data can help lower your blood pressure and earn rewards, according to a study presented at the American Heart Association’s (AHA) 2015 High Blood Pressure Conference.