Standard teaching techniques apply to all types of learning. But safety training exists on a level of its own given the life and death stakes involved. While safety professionals need to find teaching ideas that work, many find themselves falling back on the same tired slide presentations.
Safety training has been around forever. There are also safety orientations, safety coaching, safety mentoring, safety education, safety feedback. These staples of safety programs have one thing in common: showing employees how to recognize risks, know the rules, and avoid injury or illness.
For Dysfunctional Practices: that kill your Safety Culture, Dr. Timothy Ludwig draws on his 30+ years of research and practice in behavioral approaches to safety to help managers re-shape their safety culture by driving out fear and risk and engaging their workforce.
If anything has come to define the human experience throughout history, it is a willingness to take risks, to face the unknown with a confidence that borders on arrogance and come out the victor.
Taking time off helps the majority of U.S. workers recover from stress and experience positive effects that improve their well-being and job performance, but for nearly two-thirds of working adults, the benefits of time away dissipate within a few days, according to a survey released by the American Psychological Association (APA).
Riggio Valve is a family-owned small business in Bayonne, New Jersey, that performs rebuilding, welding, and machining services.
Several years ago, owner and president Vin Riggio set out to improve his company’s workplace safety and health program.
The Center for Safety and Health Sustainability (CSHS), whose member organizations represent more than 100,000 workplace safety and health professionals around the world, has filed one of many letters of support of a petition from the Human Capital Management Coalition.
Trenching hazards claim a life just ahead of the national Trench Safety Stand Down; fatigued workers affecting a majority of businesses and OSHA makes changes in its Voluntary Protection Program. These were among the top stories featured on this week.
For more than 20 years, our organization, Safety Performance Solutions (SPS), has provided safety culture training and assessment for hundreds of companies worldwide. During this time, we’ve heard many positive and negative comments from employees about how organizational safety is managed.