Houston-based EGC Critical Components, a designer and manufacturer of custom-engineered polymer components for performance-critical applications, has just announced a major milestone: one million hours without a lost time incident.
It’s something of a tradition in workplace safety to observe how different company cultures react to bad news about accidents, hazardous conditions, OSHA penalties, worker complaints and negative press. In my experience, most of the time defenses go up immediately.
One safety culture dimension does not get the scrutiny and attention it deserves – perception gaps in organizations. It can easily get overlooked, and create problems that relate directly to safety, productivity, and morale.
Creating and maintaining a safe work environment should be a priority of great significance for all manufacturers, but ensuring the well-being of employees on the job is an incredibly tall task.
The failure to deal with interpersonal conflicts among the people tasked with taking care of patients adversely affects patient safety and quality of care, according to a new study by VitalSmarts.
More than 1,200 physicians, nurses and other healthcare professionals were asked about personnel problems in their organizations. The results, says VitalSmarts VP of Research David Maxfield, show that silence about slackers, timid supervisors, toxic peers and arrogant doctors is the real problem.
For many years I worked as someone who came into a company or organization which was in serious risk of going under. It seemed strange to me that almost without exception there was a significant resistance to making change / improvement in a culture that most all thought to be terminally sick.
The long-term benefits of a robotic welding operation can be positive. For companies who have already invested in robotic welding, but are looking to improve or better understand their operations, or for those considering the investment, it is critical to consider some key factors about the technology.
Robotic welding is been a complex process that requires four key factors to be profitable for a company:
A high volume of parts
A highly repetitive welding task
An in-house programming expert to set the application
In-house welding knowledge to fine-tune the robot welding settings
Providing International Expertise on Your Doorstep
April 21, 2017
Get ready to spend two days with us, learning from the top authorities on behavioral safety. In addition to being informative, our conference will give you the opportunity to network with other professionals in your field.
For a recent job assignment I was driving from Copper Mountain, Colorado to Denver, Colorado to catch a flight to the Pacific Northwest. As I prepared to leave, with a significant amount of spare time to make this important flight, I checked the internet for road conditions.