The American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) seeks nominations for four Board of Directors positions, that will be vacated in June 2017. The open positions will include Vice President, Treasurer-elect, and two Director positions. This year for the first time, all Board nominations must be submitted electronically via the nominations portal on the AIHA website.
As part of the Obama Administration’s commitment to strengthen America’s climate resilience, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released an updated online climate change risk assessment tool that assists users in designing adaptation plans based on the types of threats confronting their communities.
Individuals who are exposed to high temperatures or flames and those who must handle flammable liquids are at increased risk for burns of the hand and wrist. Burns are most frequently sustained at home (72%), whereas 5% occur in relation to motor vehicle accidents and 9% are work-related, The most common type of burn injury to the wrist and hand is a scald injury, usually from a hot water source, followed by flame burns, flash burns from explosion of flammable gases or liquids, and contact burns.
Musculoskeletal disorders are frequently reported by practicing dental hygienists due to the physical demands placed on the body caused by poor ergonomics, repetitive motion, pinch force, and grasp.
Squeezing limes for fresh juice may improve the taste of any summer cocktail, but for bartender Justin Fehntrich, it only left him with severe and blistered hands. On a hot summer day this past June, Fehntrich was bartending at a fundraiser on Fire Island, which required that he prep drinks by cutting up and squeezing 100 limes into pitchers for the guests’ cocktails directly under the sun.
At one time or another, everyone has had a minor injury to a finger, hand, or wrist that caused pain or swelling. Most of the time our body movements do not cause problems, but it's not surprising that symptoms develop from everyday wear and tear, overuse, or an injury.
Shawn Roll has expertise in a specific type of “handiwork.” Roll, an assistant professor at the USC Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy, focuses primarily on research for the prevention, rehabilitation and assessment of musculoskeletal disorders like carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).
On May 12, 2016, OSHA revised its Recording and Reporting Occupational Injuries and Illnesses regulation; the changes will come into effect January 2017.
Personal choice often lies in the cracks that hold your truths. It’s a tough to scrutinize truths that only you know about and question your efforts, motivations and missed opportunities in order to succeed in the next endeavor.