Optical flame detectors are proven performers to help protect people and equipment in high value, high-hazard areas and processes. We often hear the question “Where do I start in deciding the type of flame detection system we need for 24/7 protection?”.
Over the past decade, Light Emitted Diode (LED) lighting has proven to be a simple, cost-saving method for businesses to reduce their long-term impact on the environment and promote a healthier, safer work environment for employees.
A rather simple description of culture is: That’s just the way we do things around here. From a safety & health perspective, the way things are done stays the same until someone or some group, with the competency and power to make change, becomes dissatisfied with the S&H status quo.
The improved Eclipse® shelter blocks daylight and seals gaps at the loading dock, creating a new industry standard for sealing efficiency
November 1, 2019
Rite-Hite introduces improvements to the Eclipse shelter, the first system to block light and seal gaps where previous enclosures have failed, providing a dark, environmentally-secure dock.
“Loading dock enclosures are designed to create a barrier between interior and exterior environments,” says Kyle Justice, Product Manager. “But, even the best seals and shelters sometimes leave gaps. Gaps allow contaminants to enter your facility and expensive energy to escape.”
Whether in mining, construction, fabrication and assembly, equipment installation and repair, or other industries, there is a shortage of skilled tradesmen/ technicians to do essential work.
A company based in Anson, Maine has been cited by OSHA for an employee fatality that occurred at a jobsite in Inman, Nebraska.
Smith Mountain Investments LLC is a professional pole inspection company that inspects and treats some of the 150,000,000 wood utility poles in North America to ensure structural integrity.
An employee of the company became ill while performing extreme physical activity in excessive temperatures in July 2019 and later died.
The American Industrial Hygiene Foundation (AIHF) has established the President's Leadership Award. This award, to be given annually by AIHF, will be the foundation's highest scholarship and professional development honor. The award consists of a considerable scholarship as well as a professional development opportunity to attend a British Occupational Hygiene Society, Australian Institute of Occupational Hygienists, or comparable international conference on occupational health and safety.
In a study which has implications for occupational health, European researchers have found that certain non-toxic substances can have a negative impact on neuronal development when mixed with other substances.
The in vitro research project conducted by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) examined this “cocktail effect” by using chemical products belonging to different classes.
Nearly two years ago, Jeremiah Mock heard a student in Marin County, California, complain that her school was littered with e-cigarette waste. A health anthropologist by training, Mock did some shoe-leather investigating in a student parking lot, where he found a significant amount of e-cigarette and tobacco trash.
Surprised, Mock went further.