A stunning 91% of construction professionals report seeing others in the industry who previously didn’t use new technology on their projects starting to use it.
The oil and gas industry safety expert from the Middle East has been an ASSP member for 15 years and has helped advance occupational safety and health for more than 30 years in India, Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates.
Injury Tracking Application data is OSHA’s electronic recordkeeping requirements for certain employers who were required to submit OSHA Form 300A information from Jan. 2 to March 2, 2023.
Drowning in data but starved for insights? It's a common problem in the field of workplace safety where having access to a vast amount of injury data is both a blessing and a curse.
Author and CEO discusses issues facing safety professionals
March 27, 2023
In this episode, chief editor Benita Mehta interviews Gavin Coyle, CEO and founder of The Coyle Group, a safety consultancy that helps entrepreneurs and businesses of all sizes to protect their people, profits and reputation.
The lockout-tagout process will keep workers safe when maintaining equipment in the field. Use these steps to develop the proper LOTO procedure for your worksite.