The highest rate of injury is seen with workers between the ages of 18-24, who are experiencing emergency-room injuries at a rate of 2.3 injuries per 100 full-time equivalents — a factor that may be driving the youngest working generation away from these positions.
With safety directors striving to maximize their budgets, it's essential to understand the economic impact of safety measures, an area where recent research initiatives offer valuable insights.
The EHS function continues to play a key role in understanding and mitigating risk across organizational portfolios. With the rise of ESG priorities and movement towards dynamic risk management, firms need to look inwards at their processes, people and technology to meet these challenges.
Those working in industrial jobs face unique physical and mental health challenges that employers should be aware of. Most companies care about the well-being of their workers.
Safety 2024 offers workplace safety and health professionals a vast networking experience while highlighting best practices, industry trends and the latest product innovations.