Augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR), also known as immersive mixed reality, have been making great headlines for video gamers. But the technology is also making significant strides in helping businesses in many industries handle critical tasks, like employee training.
With the number and variety of materials in manufacturing and engineering industries, it is easy to conceptualize how a rogue element could compromise your facility's indoor air quality (IAQ). Every action seems to produce an air contaminant — sawing, packing, stacking and every move releases invisible particles.
The top performers of the industry focus on workplace safety the most, and conduct regular inspections and audits to ensure the safekeeping of both their employees and resources.
Safety training is of paramount importance to all businesses, but it’s not without its challenges on numerous fronts. Some companies struggle with the entire implementation of the training process including the setup, scheduling of time, course content, ensuring employee attendance, and more.
It is the only hearing testing and training solution designed specifically by a hearing conservation company for safety and occupational health professionals to meet the widely varying and unique needs of regulatory compliance.
The online event on Jan. 26 is open to workplace safety and health professionals across all industries. Virtual seats are limited and are available on a first come, first served basis.
Many companies are unaware of the vital role job descriptions play and are not managing them with the necessary care. Thankfully, controlling the process is possible when you adopt a few best practices for job descriptions.
Today’s decision-makers have many reasons to focus on industrial robot maintenance. Some of them want to reduce the downtime associated with unplanned outages. Others understand that keeping robots well-maintained is a proven way to prolong their useful life spans. Those are valid reasons. However, safety should be the single factor driving all decisions made about robot maintenance.
Scheduled to premiere in May 2023 during AIHce EXP, AIHA’s annual conference, the series aims to introduce the public to the key role the occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) profession plays in creating healthier workplaces and communities.