Electrical safety is a serious issue and it is imperative that plant managers, safety managers, facility managers, electricians, maintenance personnel and contractors receive proper training on the NFPA 70E-STANDARD for Electrical Safety in the Workplace. Having the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) on hand is not enough.
Moving beyond BBS means using today’s technology to make proactive data real time. It hits the desks of safety staff and senior leaders as it happens and is recorded. This way, senior leaders can quickly intervene or can offer recognition for a job well done.
What if a company is characteristically cautious and slow to make a decision, and does not reward innovative risk-taking, while the market is moving fast and increasingly rewarding agility? What if the choice is to change or die?
Realistically, what employee is going to risk his or her livelihood filing a safety or health whistleblower complaint with OSHA; even with all the so-called protections afforded in Section 11(c) of the 1970 OSH Act or the additional protections of the proposed Protecting America’s Workers Act (HR 2067) to amend the OSH Act?