According to a study conducted by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 70 percent of workers suffer from hand injuries simply because they don’t wear hand protection.
I saw a Reddit thread the other day asking the question “who pays for PPE? Is it an employee or the employer?” The replies were varied but were none definite. So with the safety bat signal in the air and people pleading for help, I hit the books.
In healthcare, workers wear filtering facepiece respirators as protection against inhaling infectious particles such as viruses and bacteria, but safe use does not end with putting on, or donning, the respirator.
OSHA this week issued a final rule updating its general industry Walking-Working Surfaces standards specific to slip, trip, and fall hazards. The rule also includes a new section under the general industry Personal Protective Equipment standards that establishes employer requirements for using personal fall protection systems.
Sick of shaving? The right respirator means you don’t have to give up the scruff
November 18, 2016
Leaves aren’t the only thing changing as temperatures drop across the country. As the landscape is draped in hues of red and gold, men are pulling out their favorite flannels and growing facial hair in full force.
The results are in. After the first “Hear and Now” Noise Safety Challenge event last week, hosted by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the Mine Safety Health Administration (MSHA), inventors were recognized for submissions that aim to provide solutions to reducing hearing loss from workplace exposures.
New 3M blog provides relevant, easy-to-understand information on worker safety, training & technical resources, and regulatory news
November 2, 2016
When it comes to worker health & safety, information is everywhere, but it’s often very confusing, and hard for people to apply to their own work environment. To help customers cut through the clutter, the 3M™ Personal Safety Division has launched Safety Now & Next, a new blog that can serve as a go-to resource for worker health and safety news, tips and questions.
Executing a wear trial may be the best way to obtain comprehensive information that will aid in your decision-making process for choosing the proper flame-resistant clothing (FRC) for your workforce.