OSHA extends comment period on PSM changes
In response to requests from stakeholders, OSHA is moving the deadline for submitting public comments on potential revisions to its Process Safety Management (PSM) standard and related standards to March 31st.
The extra 21 days will give stakeholders additional time to develop and submit written comments on the proposed rule and supporting analyses.
The RFI is in response to executive order 13650, which seeks to improve chemical facility safety and security, issued in the wake of the April 2013 West, Texas, tragedy that killed 15 in an ammonium nitrate explosion. OSHA is requesting comments on its Process Safety Management standard and potential changes to PSM enforcement policies, as well as input on potential updates to the agency’s Explosives and Blasting Agents, Flammable Liquids and Spray Finishing standards. The RFI also seeks information and data on specific rulemaking and policy options, and the workplace hazards they address. OSHA will use the information received in response to this RFI to determine what actions, if any, it may take.
Additional information on the executive order and the request for information may be found at http://www.osha.gov/chemicalexecutiveorder/index.html. Members of the public may comment on the request for information by visiting http://www.regulations.gov.