American Industrial Hygiene Conference 2014
Stewardship conference
Running concurrent with AIHce 2014 is Stewardship 2014, sponsored by the Product Stewardship Society (www.productstewards.org). Educational tracks include: Stewardship profession and core competencies, emerging global chemical regulations, product stewardship risk assessment, product stewardship management systems, and product stewardship in the value chain/supply chain.
Educational opportunities
Special sessions: Pandemic Preparedness – Respirator Supply Issues; Unsolved IH Mysteries Workshop; Train-the-Trainer Workshop: Improving IH Exposure Judgments; SDS Authoring and Reviewing, and IH Insomnia: What’s keeping you up at night? Keynote speakers: The Next Tech Paradigm Shifts That Will Change Your World, Peter Leyden, Founder and CEO, Reinventors Network, San Francisco, CA; Evolution & Journey to a Safer Tomorrow,John Howard, MD, MPH, JD, LLM, Director, NIOSH; and Globalization and the Cost of Worker Health & Safety Worldwide,Scott Nova, Executive Director, Worker Rights Consortium, Washington DC.
Interactive sessions: ”Ignite” — Share what’s on your mind with colleagues and friends in this innovative and engaging and captivating format. The submission deadline is Saturday, March 15. Visit www.aihce2014.org. AIHce Movie Matinée – Blackfish: Safety when Swimming with Killer Whales, the fascinating and though-provoking screening of “Blackfish” (83 minutes) which includes an interactive post film discussion of the issues raised from the perspective of a safety and health professional.
Features technical sessions: Occupational Exposure Banding – Who Is Using It and How Well Can It Be Applied; Occupational and Community Health Issues Associated with Hydraulic Fracturing Operations; and Characterizing Risks From Dermal Exposure – From Exposure Judgments to Toxicity.
General session topics: Nanotechnology: Assessment & Control; Exposure Assessment Strategies; • IAQ Case Studies; • Effective EHS Metrics Reviews – How to Maximize Engagement and Maintain a Repeatable EHS Operating Rhythm; • Learning to Minimize the Impacts of Shift Work on Your Workforce; ? Risk Management Systems 4.0: Integrating ISO 22301, 14001, and 31000; • Measuring Cognitive Bias and PSM Weak Signals; • GHS – The New Hazard Communication for North America: Where are we now?; • Fall Hazard Risk Assessment: Achieving Acceptable Risk; • Notable Confined Spaces; ?
Activities: 75th Anniversary Celebrations — Cocktail Reception; Coffee Break in the Expo; Expanded Expo Learning Pavilion; Daily noncompete Expo time; Daily prize drawings; Show floor lounges and charging stations to relax and network; Web & Software Showcase; and Restaurants
WHAT: AIHce 2014 WHERE: San Antonio, TX WHEN: May 31-June 5, 2014 CONTACT INFO: American Industrial Hygiene Association; (703) 849-8888; www.aiha.org HOW TO REGISTER: Register online at http://registration.experientevent.com/ShowAIH141/ For registration or hotel inquiries: email mailto:aihce@experient-inc.com |