Today is World Asthma Day

What is an asthma action plan?

January 10, 2014

Today is World Asthma DayAn asthma action plan is a written document developed by a healthcare provider and a person who has asthma (or a parent/guardian of a child with asthma). The plan outlines the steps that should be taken to prevent and handle an asthma episode and is customized for each individual with asthma. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommend that every person living with asthma has an asthma action plan.

Though an asthma action plan is essential to managing your own or your child's asthma, it must be accompanied by proper education. Through trainings with your health care provider or our free Asthma Management course, each adult in a child's life must be properly educated on how to remove triggers from a home, school or childcare center, prevent asthma episodes, help deliver asthma medicines and handle asthma emergencies.

An asthma action plan should include:

  • appropriate use of medications (control and reliever)
  • what actions to take when child is having symptoms of asthma or a low peak flow reading
  • signs of an asthma attack
  • when to seek emergency care
  • emergency contact information

Source: Respiratory Health, visit www.lungchicago.org.