Model DM-100 gas detector awarded CE Mark certification
The Model DM-100 is two-wire loop powered with display and uses electrochemical sensor technology to monitor a wide range of toxic gases. The device features electronics that are fully encapsulated in an electro-polished 316 stainless steel housing and a newly designed lower housing that has been upgraded from plastic to stainless steel. Plug-in field replaceable sensor cells are fitted with large surface area gold-plated pins that help reduce the effects of corrosion in harsh industrial environments.
Model 100 sensors provide a linear 4-20mA signal and feature intelligent electronics and comprehensive fault diagnostics. The device is extremely simple and affordably priced, and can be customized with additional accessories that include wireless communications, a loop-powered digital display, Remote Alarm Module (RAM), HART, and a Modbus RS-485 interface.
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