
Store-Drawers from Accuform Signs

A place for every tool

March 12, 2013

Store-DrawersStore-Drawers™ - Complement your 5S program and elevate productivity through visual management and organization of tools. Designate a place for every tool with shadow spaces cut out of thick, durable and lightweight dual-layered foam resistant to oils, solvents and jet fuels. Choose from four standard color combinations or with print.

  • Benefits:
    • Promote and raise the awareness of tool accountability, management, safety, and security.
    • Elevate productivity – organized tools are convenient, efficient, and placed
      ready for the job.
    • Compliment your 5S program through visual management and organization of your tools.
    • Comply with tool Foreign Object Damage (FOD) and Foreign Material Exclusion (FME) prevention programs.

    Click here to learn more about Store-Drawers from Accuform Signs.