coal mine

Black lung benefits go paperless

Deadline is Friday

February 27, 2013

coal mineLike other recipients of direct federal payments, black lung beneficiaries and medical providers must begin receiving their benefits by direct deposit or prepaid debit card by Friday, March 1.

The Division of Coal Mine Workers' Compensation administers claims filed under the Black Lung Benefits Act, which provides compensation and medical benefits to current and former coal miners disabled from pneumoconiosis due to coal mining work.

Survivors of eligible workers may also receive benefits. The conversion from paper checks to electronic funds transfer is being handled by the Department of Treasury, is contacting beneficiaries to make the transition as smooth as possible.

Beneficiaries may request exemption, and these requests will be handled by the Treasury Department.

Before Friday’s deadline, all beneficiaries still receiving paper checks are encouraged to contact their Black Lung District Office to enroll in Direct Deposit.

Enroll Online or by Mail
Call Your DCMWC District Office