
OSHA salaries: Who makes what

January 24, 2013

OSHAAccording to the fiscal year 2013 Congressional Budget Justification document for OSHA, here are salary averages for agency personnel:

Executive schedule (top officials in the executive branch) - OSHA average ES salary in FY2012 = $170,036.

GM/GS grade employees - OSHA average GM/GS salary in FY 2012 = $84,959.

The General Schedule (GS) classification and pay system consists of 15 grades, each broadly defined in law in terms of work difficulty, responsibility, and the qualifications required for performance. A salary range of 10 steps is provided for each grade.

GM employee means an employee who is covered by the Performance Management and Recognition System who occupies a position as a supervisor or management official in the General Schedule.

In FY 2012, OSHA’s nationwide headcount of 2,309 employees received total personnel compensation of $205,812,000.

$11,604,000 was spent in travel and transportation of persons.

FY12 spending on services from non-federal sources (employee training, consultants, etc.)  = $79,253,000.

OSHA’s Total FY12 budget = $564,788,000