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Explosion at fireworks factory burns three workers
OSHA has cited Global Pyrotechnic Solutions Inc., a fireworks manufacturer in Dittmer, Missouri, for 25 serious and six other-than-serious safety violations after three workers suffered burns caused by an explosion at the company's facility in March.
The employees were transported to local hospitals, and two were treated for serious burns and released. The third employee, who suffered third-degree burns, was hospitalized for approximately 20 days.
"It is imperative that employers who manufacture, sell, display or whose employees work around pyrotechnics recognize potential hazards and take steps to prevent injuries such as the ones that occurred in this case," said Charles E. Adkins, OSHA's regional administrator in Kansas City, Mo. "All employers must take the necessary steps to eliminate hazards from the workplace."
The serious violations relate to hazards associated with the improper handling of explosives, improper storage of flammable liquids and a lack of ventilation in rooms where the liquids are used. Several violations relate to process safety management which requires managing hazards associated with highly hazardous chemicals that include failing to address safety hazards, provide engineering controls, train workers on emergency shutdown procedures, implement an effective lockout/tagout program to control hazardous energy, guard machines and repair electrical deficiencies. Detailed information on process safety management is available at http://www.osha.gov/SLTC/processsafetymanagement/index.html.
The other-than-serious violations involve a lack of explosives warning signs on storage buildings and transport vehicles, using trucks that are not appropriate for transporting explosives, other issues with process safety management and various respirator deficiencies.
Proposed penalties total $116,900. The citations can be viewed at http://www.osha.gov/ooc/citations/GlobalPyro_279658_0904_12.pdf*.
Global Pyrotechnic Solutions Inc. employs 20 workers.