Product Innovations

The next level of arc flash comfort

National Safety Apparel’s FR Control™ garments get a facelift

May 14, 2012

National Safety Apparel’s ultra-unique, lightweight shirts have received an upgrade. The all-new FR Control 2.0 garments are here.

The first version of the FR Control shirts feature body temperature regulating Outlast® technology – a woven-in fabric that absorbs and stores excess body heat, then releases it when outside temperatures decrease. The result is an article of clothing that actively keeps its wearer at the ideal comfort zone – all while protecting from arc flash up to 3.6 cal/cm².

In May, the FR Control 2.0 made its debut.  The newest version features a beefed up 4.0 cal/cm² rating – high enough to reach Hazard Risk Category 1. It’s also infused with Spandex®, providing a stretchier and customized fit.  The color has changed from khaki to a stylish navy blue. 

The shirt is available in long and short sleeve styles, and a brand new balaclava is available for head and neck protection.  Whereas most balaclavas are stiff and hot, this revolutionary head protection will be perfect for wearing under an arc flash helmet and face shield to keep the head cool.

About National Safety Apparel:

Headquartered in Cleveland, OH, National Safety Apparel (NSA) is a leading USA manufacturer of protective apparel for the industrial safety worker.  Using the latest fabrics and technologies, NSA regularly introduces new and innovative products to enhance the safety apparel experience for workers.  For over 75 years, workers across the country have relied on NSA’s safety apparel, including the company’s latest new product line, breathable arc resistant rainwear.